Posted by & filed under Current Items Country: New Zealand.


After weeks of waiting, I can happily say that my New Zealand work visa hasView of mountains in Tekapo finally come through. It’s valid for a year. From the time I applied for it, at the end of October until now, it has taken approximately eleven weeks.

One of the main reasons why it was granted, I think, was because immigration couldn’t find a New Zealander to do the job in a remote location like Lake Tekapo. Secondly, the company itself, Earth & Sky, employ a lot of international staff and are well known here in the tourism industry. Thirdly I suppose, it was my determination to achieve my goals.

It’s been an experience to say the least and it’s not over yet. I still need to get an IRD (tax) number and open a bank account. I had to wait to get my passport back from immigration, which was sent via my immigration advisor. That took about a week. Now I have to fill in an IRD 595 form, which I can download from the website.

Along with this form I have to provide 2 original documents, such as a passport Rainbow in Tekapowith proof of my New Zealand work visa in it and either an “offer of employment” letter from my employer or an overseas drivers license. This license should be accompanied by an English translation completed by an LTNZ authorised translator, if not already in English. I can take everything then to either an Automobile Association (AA) Drivers License Agent, a New Zealand PostShop or an IRD office, with photocopies of the two documents, so that the person at one of those offices can verify my identity.

I don’t need an IRD number to open a bank account but what they do need is a passport, a drivers license and proof of address: utility bill or a letter from the landlord to say that I’m residing at their property. The requirements vary from bank to bank. I also need to make an appointment with a bank manager to open the bank account. That surprises me a bit as I thought I’d be able to just open an account there and then with all the sufficient documents. Mind you, it’s been seventeen years since I last opened a bank account so things have changed I guess.

Once the account is open and I have the IRD number, THEN I can start getting Another view of Lake Tekapopaid. Woohoo! It takes between eight to ten working days for the IRD number to be processed. The pennies in the “pot of gold” are running very low, so it will be good to start earning money again.

I must admit that when I see the New Zealand work visa on my passport I feel proud. Before I left Amsterdam, getting a job offer and especially the work visa here in New Zealand seemed an impossible mountain to climb. It just goes to show that anything is possible.